About Me

I am currently a juniorat the University of South Alabama, though the school year is almost over. I am majoring in Secondary Education and English. I will be a great high school English teacher and I know that I would enjoy it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Using Technology in My Classroom

I never thought much about technology before. I used my computer to make presentations and paper. I used the internet for research, email, and games. I did not really think much about using technology in my classroom when I became a teacher.Because of this class, I have seen the error of my ways.

I have found some fun (I think) ways to use technology for my future students. I love the idea of having a class website. Each student would have a page where they would put what that learned or blog. The homepage could have everything that I am teaching. It could have links to mmoviecasts or posdcasts that I have made of lectures. I could also post up assignments and study guide for students to look at or print out on whim. The students could use the internet to make a PLN from which they could find research material or additional lessons.

I will make sure that my students know about Google materials. I adore Google Docs where I can make group presentations, forms, or papers. Google lets me share the material so whoever I choose can work on the same project with me, no matter where they are.

I also would like to make my students learn how to make moviecasts and podcasts. I find that I learn the material better if I know that I will have it recorded for other people to hear and/or see.

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